Off Grid Showers

Off Grid Showers

Off Grid Showers

Living off grid has been around for decades, if not as a permanent off-grid residence, then as a off-grid camping getaway from the crowds, noise and craziness of urban life.  It’s not squatting on someone else’s property but your own little piece of heaven. Living off grid is totally legal.   However, you must follow local building codes and tax laws when designing and building your getaway, and that includes your off grid shower. 

There are many benefits to having an off grid shower.   One of the most obvious is that you will save money on your water bill.   If you live in an area with high water rates, this can be a significant amount of money each month.   You will also be doing your part to conserve water.

Another benefit is that you will be less dependent on the municipal water supply.   This is especially important in areas where droughts are common.   If the water supply is cut off, you will still have a way to take a shower.

Finally, off grid showers are environmentally friendly.   Most use less water than a traditional shower, and some use alternative energy sources, such as solar power, to heat the water.   This means that you will be doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint.

What To Look For In Choosing The Best Off Grid Shower

Living off grid doesn’t mean you have to rough it; you can still enjoy the simple pleasures … like taking a warm shower and washing away the daily grit.

If you are a DIYer than creating your own outdoor shower or camp shower system may be a snap!   For those who need a little more guidance, there are a number of outdoor and off-grid shower solutions to choose from.

Before making a decision, here are some other things to consider that may influence your choice of what may be the best off grid shower systems:

water barrels
  • Is this your permanent residence or a getaway?
  • Where is your water supply coming from?
  • Do you have access to running water or a water source?
  • Do you have enough containers for storage?
  • Can your containers hold enough water?
  • Will you have enough water for an adequate shower?
  • How many people will shower each day?
  • How will you heat the water?
  • Is the shower portable or fixed?
  • What about drainage, where will the water run off to?

Showering off grid requires some additional planning and effort, but it can be done.  Start by selecting a water source such as a stream, lake, or rainwater tank.   

Make sure the water is safe for use.   If necessary, you can use filtration systems or boiling to make the water clean and safe for bathing.

Then, you’ll need to decide how you will heat your water.   Solar showers are an excellent option for off-grid showering as they rely on the sun’s energy to warm up the water.   You can also heat your water over an open fire or wood stove.

Finally, find a suitable spot to shower in – you may want to build a makeshift outdoor shower using canvas walls and roof if privacy is an issue.   With some creativity and preparedness, showering off grid can be both enjoyable and rewarding!

fresh water stream

Types Of Off Grid Showers 

You can find a variety of shower ideas of off grid showers to use, from the basic weed sprayer to a portable shower with heater.  Lukewarm or even cold showers may be okay if your off-grid home is in the tropics, but if fall and winter months include rain and snow, then a hot shower is a must.   You can find grid shower ideas or systems that use solar panels or propane, bags, buckets, water barrels and even tankless water heaters. 

These are some of the type of shower options to consider:

bucket shower

Bucket (Navy) Shower – Used by the military, this bucket shower system uses a bucket and showerhead which can be turned on and off.   You can conserve water and control the precious water that is used.   Basically, you would turn it on to get wet, shut it off and lather, then turn it back on to rinse.   Water can be heated by solar power, fire, or an electrical immersion heater.

Weed Sprayer Shower – This pressurized shower is made from a standard weed sprayer, shower water hose, low flow shower nozzle, shower wand and valve, so that the water pressure or flow of water can be controlled.  You can use a wood/stove fire or sunlight to heat the water before adding the water to the sprayer. 

Solar Shower – Uses solar energy or the sun to heat the water and gravity to flow out.  This gravity-fed solar shower bag needs to be positioned up high, either in a tree or on a pole, not a flat surface. Using a solar shower has budget and advanced options; it’s an incredibly simple off grid shower system that makes an instant shower. However, this system may not be considered durable for long-term daily use. 

Tankless Water Heater – You don’t always have to have a water tank.  There are portable tankless hot water heaters powered by propane that can give you propane heated showers within 30 seconds.  You would need to connect a pump to a 5-gallon water carrier, connect hoses and select your water temperature.  This system may be a little more expensive, but if you enjoy nice hot showers, not just lukewarm water, it may be worth it!

Pop Up Tent Shower – You can find these in single or double capacity.  Their privacy shower tents are easy to put up and take down.  Individual tents can accommodate a 5-gallon solar shower bag filled with water, 2-room tents come with a 5-gallon solar water system.

Portable Shower with Heater – This portable outdoor shower is ideal for camping trips and uses a 12v power source which can heat water within 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the temp you want.   So you can have a delicious shower of hot or warm water regardless of the weather.  Like the bucket system, it can minimize water usage by using a gallon of water and a shower scrub to get you squeaky clean.

pop up shower tents

Off Grid Showers For All Seasons

You can still enjoy some of the creature comforts with grid living, like having a cool shower in the summer or enjoying a nice hot shower during the winter.   If you are a creative DIYer, you know what can be done with a bucket of water, a garden hose, a shower hose, a shower head and even a water pump.

For those who need more guidance, there are many different off grid shower setups out there, that even with the absence of electricity, can still give you a supply of heated water regardless of the time of the year.

You just have to do your research.  Go online, check out You Tube, talk to others, find out what they recommend as the best off-grid showers and then go for it!   Being able to take a shower in your off-grid shower, no matter what season, will always be welcoming!

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